Tutorial Action in Present Education


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ISBN: 9788490772362
AUTOR: Expósito López, Jorge.

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AUTOR/A: Expósito López, Jorge.

Present social demands require the establishment, by education professionals, of formative processes to provide an overall development of students from a curriculum, personal and social perspective, supposing their tutoring a fundamental aspect that provides the human factor to thee ducation.
The importance of tutoring in the initial training and professional development of teachers’ profile has not always been addressed with the thoroughness and extent required. Therefore, in this handbook, there are provided on a clear and orderly manner the basic theoretical aspects to understand its origin and support the tutorial activity, there are also provided key practical aspects to enable an adequate development of tutorial action in current educational contexts.

Jorge Expósito López works as a teacher and researcher in the Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education Department at University of Granada, where he teaches subjects related to research, educational intervention and Tutorial Action.