Mathematics for Economics and Business


Original price was: $970.00.Current price is: $730.00.

ISBN: 9788447542154
AUTOR: Adillon, Roman; Álvarez, Mikel; Gil, Dolors; Jorba, Lambert.
AÑO: 2015
Economía y Empresa 
Universitat de Barcelona    

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AUTOR/A: Adillon, Roman; Álvarez, Mikel; Gil, Dolors; Jorba, Lambert.
Mathematics is the language of science. As such, it is a basic tool for gaining knowledge in any scientific discipline. Students often wonder why mathematics subjects are also included in economics and business studies. Any economist should be fluent in mathematical language and capable of applying mathematics in the analysis, modelling and solving of economic problems. This book covers a broad range of mathematics topics, all of which are essential to gaining the skills required in economics and business professions. Along with theoretical explanations, essential for correctly understanding the concepts involved, it includes a large number of numerical examples. Each chapter is concluded by a collection of exercises with solutions and a self-assessment test, which are key components of the learning process for each topic.