Refractory And Ceramic Materals


Original price was: $2,860.00.Current price is: $2,145.00.

ISBN: 9788490770566
AUTOR /A: Verdeja González, Luis Felipe 
Biblioteca de Química

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AUTOR /A: Verdeja González, Luis Felipe

This work is intended to be an aid for students of engineering programs and also for professionals workin with transformation processes thar include the design, use and maintenance of equipment or products with refractory or ceramic parts, in orden to quantify and understand the rofe of chemical composition, microstructure and mechanical performance in situations that involve corrosive environments or agents, wear or high temperature durability.

Información adicional

Peso 0.795 kg
Dimensiones 20 × 1.4 × 24 cm
SKU: 9788490770566 Categoría: